Monday, May 19, 2008

Hi Folks. It's Monday morning, 34 degrees, my nose is stuffed up and my body hurts. My body hurts because Jason and I spent most of this weekend doing yard work. We planted some bushes, annuals, hostas, and a tree. This yard work thing is harder than I thought! I have also made the office a project of mine since it has been the only room I haven't touched really since we moved in a year ago. It's coming along I guess. Jason and John also spent a couple of hours making "Bags" boards. They made 4 sets and guess who is painting them- yep, you guessed it- me! Actually, I really enjoy it but I wish there was more time. I am pretty excited to paint all these boards because they've all been requested after seeing a few of the boards I have done already. Hey, maybe I'll quit my job and paint Bags boards for a living. Not exactly what I thought I'd do when I grew up. Wait, have I grown up yet?

We didn't start the deck yet because we went to on a couples' cabin weekend last weekend instead of starting the deck. We couldn't start it this past weekend because we are leaving again to go to a cabin with Jason's whole family for Memorial weekend and we didn't want to have no deck for too long because of Wrigley. Especially now that I planted a bunch of flowers in the front yard and Wrigley is probably going to trample all of them if we let him out that way too long. Alas, we plan to start demo now on the 31st. There shouldn't be any reason not to stick to that plan.

Well, I think that's about it. My job is still great. I just lost my first student though because she is not doing the summer program and then she is going to Kindergarten. Her name is Riley and I love her to pieces. I guess I have to start getting used to this stuff.

Jason's job is great but this is busy season and he's getting stressed already. But, luckily I married a man who handles his stress well.

All in all, I have to say that this weekend was really great despite all the hard work. Other than a cook-out we went to on Friday night, Jason and I got to spend the whole weekend with each other. We weren't traveling or entertaining like usual. We slept in a little both mornings, ran errands, and we did all the yard work together. It was a great weekend alone.

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