Monday, January 7, 2008

Just felt like having a blog without having kids

Not much to say except tell stories about Jason and myself. We go out with friends, or stay in with them. Last weekend we went to a fancy engagement party for our friends, Jay and Laura, and this weekend we are hosting our first annual Wipperfurth Chili Cook-Off. We even ordered and engraved chili pot trophy to give to the winner. Our January calendar has already filled up and it's creeping into February. I can't complain because it is filled with visits with our friends from Chicago, Michigan, Indiana, and of course here in Madison. We are currently deciding whether or not we can manage a weekend trip to a cabin in Georgia where some friends are gathering for a birthday celebration-- I fear we will not be able to swing that one though.

Substitute teaching is going surprisingly well despite the infrequency of jobs some weeks. I do not have many nightmare stories to share. The kids are great and I love being in the classroom.....if only I had my own classroom, but this will do for now. I have frequented one school district enough now to experience the delight of children passing me in the hallway and saying, "Hi Mrs. Wipperfurth." A few hugs here and there too. It's simple but grand.

We are absolutely in love with being home-owners. I finally get to live somewhere without white walls and a little room to grow. Our only gripe so far occurred in early December when 23 inches of snow decided to dump on us over a couple of weeks. And there we were with a corner lot and a couple of plastic shovels. Alas, we agreed that this was too time-consuming and back-breaking so we drug our feet into Sears and bought a gigantic snow-thrower. I learned way too many things about those machines including calling it a snow-thrower, not a snow-blower. Ugh. I figured my snow duties were over until Jason left to go to a cabin with his buddies for a weekend and we got our first big snow-fall since our purchase. There I was figuring out how to use this thing and terrified that I would look like a complete idiot out there in the snow. But I will gladly toot my horn and say that I pulled it off and Jason was happy to come home to a completed job. Yeah, I'm a kick-ass wife. :) Hey, don't laugh at me, people. I was the youngest of four, and clutzy on top of that so these kind of jobs weren't relegated to me as a child.

Okay, that's it for now. Jason just got home from work and is impatiently wanting to tell me about his day. Time to be a kick-ass wife again and listen to him while I cook his dinner. :)
I guess I had more to say than I thought.