Monday, January 7, 2008

Just felt like having a blog without having kids

Not much to say except tell stories about Jason and myself. We go out with friends, or stay in with them. Last weekend we went to a fancy engagement party for our friends, Jay and Laura, and this weekend we are hosting our first annual Wipperfurth Chili Cook-Off. We even ordered and engraved chili pot trophy to give to the winner. Our January calendar has already filled up and it's creeping into February. I can't complain because it is filled with visits with our friends from Chicago, Michigan, Indiana, and of course here in Madison. We are currently deciding whether or not we can manage a weekend trip to a cabin in Georgia where some friends are gathering for a birthday celebration-- I fear we will not be able to swing that one though.

Substitute teaching is going surprisingly well despite the infrequency of jobs some weeks. I do not have many nightmare stories to share. The kids are great and I love being in the classroom.....if only I had my own classroom, but this will do for now. I have frequented one school district enough now to experience the delight of children passing me in the hallway and saying, "Hi Mrs. Wipperfurth." A few hugs here and there too. It's simple but grand.

We are absolutely in love with being home-owners. I finally get to live somewhere without white walls and a little room to grow. Our only gripe so far occurred in early December when 23 inches of snow decided to dump on us over a couple of weeks. And there we were with a corner lot and a couple of plastic shovels. Alas, we agreed that this was too time-consuming and back-breaking so we drug our feet into Sears and bought a gigantic snow-thrower. I learned way too many things about those machines including calling it a snow-thrower, not a snow-blower. Ugh. I figured my snow duties were over until Jason left to go to a cabin with his buddies for a weekend and we got our first big snow-fall since our purchase. There I was figuring out how to use this thing and terrified that I would look like a complete idiot out there in the snow. But I will gladly toot my horn and say that I pulled it off and Jason was happy to come home to a completed job. Yeah, I'm a kick-ass wife. :) Hey, don't laugh at me, people. I was the youngest of four, and clutzy on top of that so these kind of jobs weren't relegated to me as a child.

Okay, that's it for now. Jason just got home from work and is impatiently wanting to tell me about his day. Time to be a kick-ass wife again and listen to him while I cook his dinner. :)
I guess I had more to say than I thought.


Unknown said...

Hey Shar! Sounds like all is going really well. :) I MISS YOU! Sorry about not coming to visit over break, but time just ran away from me. Love ya Lara

Janet said...

Glad to see you hopping on the blog train. I only did it a bit my first year, but this last year I have been pretty consistent. I often feel like I am talking about nothing but biw that I can go back a year and read about day-to-day life, I LOVE that I have it! Good luck with yours!

Janet said...

sorry, don't know how to edit my typo :)

Laura said...

You are so hilarious! I love Sharron commentary and I love you and your blogspot. WippinWisconsin made me laugh. Miss you!

Sally said...

Hi Sharron! Way to go, starting a blog! I can't believe you are out here in cyberspace telling your whole life like this!
:-) :-) Just jokin.

I'll have to go gush about my kids and complain about the PTA! :-)


Emily said...

B- You are The Best Blogger! I especially liked your points on snow throwing. Oh how are lives change; all for the better :) Hearts & hugs and see you in a bit!